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Own reading technique. Time prefer to read. Margin...

20.07.2017 2626

Own reading technique. Time prefer to read. Marginaling notes or useful interesting extracts from the reading text.

Own reading technique. Time prefer to read. Marginaling notes or useful interesting extracts from the reading text. - - Literary Portal, asked only two but very important questions to Kazakhstan writers, authors, poets, and public figures - "Do they have their own reading technique and when do they prefer to read?"

Pavel Bannikov

If we talk about the technique of reading, then as we have already said, not all books need to be read equally fast, equally deep, equally deep. That is, there are books that you can flip through and understand what is happening to them. For example, the same review books on a scientific topic and so on and so on. Because if you are "on the subject", then you already understand that there is only I do not know, there are several paragraphs that you really are important. You quickly find them and that's it. The rest of the book in general, then you can not read. In fiction, of course, it does not happen. Because she either likes or dislikes. If you like, then you read and read for a long time. And I, for example, always read, well, such an old habit - to read with a pencil. That is, I leave some notes on the margins, I emphasize some things that I liked. And sometimes there is a notebook near where I write out the words and thoughts that arise during the course of reading. Then from this, it is quite possible for yourself to get both a literary critical article and your own text.

Anuar Omar

I do not adhere to any of "my own reading technique". The fact is that I start read in the way it goes to read. Without adhering to the principle of reading books from the beginning or from the end. Sometimes some of us begin to read the book in the middle. I usually start to read the book from beginning to unfold and to reveal its more.

What can the poets do...

What can poets...
To chat in the tavern,
shout not the forbidden,
doubting the right.

After a night in the kitchen
think about the meaning
words that are rotten,
not noticing bald spots,

not to squander money
lured into bed...
morning, not girls
pay extra for the hotel

remembering the rhyme
as cheap vulgarity...

fallen nymph...
brazen modesty...

What can the generals
to implement the program
on the pockets opals
send the army,

creating killers
at the same murderer

tears do not know
the winners...

What can business owners...
The production of war –
flowing through the veins of money
what in the world is important...

and developed atoms
and tearing bullets...

after – pathologists
collect the chest...

And humming factories of death,
copmlex misfortunes,
cash cycle
already divided into parts...

What should poets...
To stand on the front line,
in short, like a whip
send home

the failed killers
to create life
kindness of good people –
the elevation of the bottom...

Stop tragedy
voice of the Universe
the problems summersdale
turn to change...

Sayasat Nurbek

I have my own techniques of reading . Now you know there are very popular techniques of speed reading, some of this reading technique is reading the two hundred thousand words, Well, you know and so on and so forth. Well, I personally adhere to such opinion. Perhaps it is important to be able to read quickly. But speed is not the quality, unfortunately. That is, if you read the book, first you have to understand, that is to say you need to be fed or enjoy the if you want. This thought, imagine the other person. Perhaps that's older than you, better than you, smarter than you. It's thought of an experienced person, who having passed through, an experience all it puts on paper for example in the form of thoughts and some specific thoughts. This information can either read quickly, but do not understand what you read. Or can this information do not know two hundred thousand words there for a while to read, but to digest and to assimilate. The book is a very unique method of communication in General and interpersonal communication of one person with another person through the transmission of that its some sort of there inner thoughts, beliefs, feelings - that in a verbal form or written form. You through this letter that do? Rethink, go through together with the author, right? Miss him let's just say life experience through. And here my personal belief is speed is not needed. Here, on the contrary need here to vdumchivomu, to reflect and to think. That is, the book is not a tool for rapid assimilation of information. No! The book is a tool that makes a person think. A tool that makes a person imagine. And to be honest the added value of the book. And so, when you read a specialized book - very quick read. But I would prefer to savor the book a bit. Somewhere to read, then go back if necessary. Well, if specifically the technique of reading, I'm usually doing? I quickly read the entire book, and then return to the pages of a book where I liked the place well and there is a long-read roughly speaking. Now I have like a favorite approach. And so here I am once again, I adhere to this approach that the speed in relation to the books, frankly - the wrong thing.That is, the books they order and are given and written, that man might through them somehow, to give something, to rethink, to reassess, to something different to see. That is, in fact, the author gives us a piece of themselves. And we are here, when you communicate with a person, we want it to communicate? A thousand people there, I don't know two hundred thousand people miss a day - it's impossible. Then this person will not be remembered, agree? It's like a big string of people in front of you will pass. And this is especially Kazakh toys and holidays. Say hi to everyone and welcome all in a row and all seated at the table. Well, no one you do not understand how the person will not appreciate as a person. If you take him at least more than five minutes, it is in their some sort of faces will open, right? And you'll see what it turns out he knows foreign languages, but he is so-and-so, but it turns out he's the hero does not know the Soviet Union and hero of Kazakhstan, and it turns out he was the President, somewhere personally communicated. That is, each person and his face open, the more you communicate with them - it's the same with books. The longer you hold in the hands, the more you absorb. And if height your task is to swallow in one gulp like a food, then you will not feel the taste. And the beauty of the book it is that its taste. - Literary

Prepared by AkhanTuleshov

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