Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Presentation of Tursin Jurtbay's book “My pain, my...

12.04.2017 2659

Presentation of Tursin Jurtbay's book “My pain, my pride - Alash!”

Presentation of Tursin Jurtbay's book “My pain, my pride - Alash!” -

On April 11, a grandiose event took place at the Eurasian National University named after Leo Gumilev, the presentation of Tursin Jurtbay's book “My pain, my pride - Alash!”. For our people this book is very important and necessary. The event was attended by famous scientists, writers and poets. The poet, writer and literary critic Olzhas Suleimenov was the most important guest of this event.

The event at the Eurasian National University named after Leo Gumilev was dedicated to 100 year anniversary of Alash movement international science and practical conference called «The fate of Book – Fate of socium». There were a lot of participants that acted.

During the meeting, a writer, a well-known scientist, Doctor of Philology, scientific director of the Center Library "Otyrar" at the Eurasian National University named after Leo Gumilev - Tursin Jurtbay’s several books was published in Russian-language version.

The presentation were participated by the famous persons like Seit Kaskabasov, Toktar Aubakirov, Garifolla Essim, Sultan Orazalin, Qajığalï Muxanbetqalïulı, Karzhaubay Sartqojaulı, the writer's partner-brothers Dikhan Kamzabekuly, Zhambyl Artykbayev, Sultankhan Aqqululi, Duman Ramazan, Talgat Kenesbaev, friends of him Nesibpek Aituly, Serik Turgynbek, Namazaly Omashev and etc., all of them expressed good words.

Olzhas Suleimenov expressed gratitude to the author: "First of all, I want to thank Tursyn Zhurtbai, he did not spare his 30 years to write this big book." Secondly, once writers wrote books and earned their living on bread. Bread and someone for bread with butter and caviar. Now writers write a book and are looking for money for publication. And Tursyn Zhurtbai found such friends who helped him in the publication. We, it turns out, have oilmen who know and love literature. One of them is sitting here, Sauat Mynbayev, and I am very grateful to him And Orynbay thank you for the good translation, I read this book for two days, especially the last pages of this book about Auezov, I was very touched, we know a lot about our great Alashordians, but Tursyn added and added emotions.

By 2018, 18 million trees are to be planted to make our steppe green all the same, "Let get green my widespread field!"All the guys started this business. And now with this theme, I propose in each region, in those areas where the Alashordians were born and lived, to organize the alley creation of the name of these Alashordians. Let eternal memory be about them. Green, living memory! – Literary Portal

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