Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Some Facts About the History of Azerbaijani Litera...

16.02.2015 2723

Some Facts About the History of Azerbaijani Literature

Some Facts About the History of Azerbaijani Literature -

The Azerbaijani Literature is known for such authors as Nizami Ganjavi (the 12th century), Haqiqi, Habibi and Gazi Burhanaddin (the 14th and 15th century). Nizami Ganjavi was a Persian poet but was born in Azerbaijan and his legacy is celebrated in the Nizami Museum of Azerbaijani Literature in Baku.

Azerbaijani literature had further flourished in the 16th century with the development of Ashik poetry, a poetic genre of Azerbaijani bards. 

In the 19th century after the Russo-Persian wars Azerbaijani literature was influenced by Russia. This continued until the 20th century when Azerbaijan were once again occupied this time by the Soviet Union. By the 1930s many writers and intellectuals in the area were forced to become the mouthpieces of Soviet propaganda as the Bolsheviks sought to stamp their authority on the region. It may be for this very reason that one of Azerbaijan’s most famous literary products is shrouded in mystery.

One of the most famous novels in Azerbaijani literature is Ali and Nino: A Love Story. The story is about the relationship of a young Azerbaijani noble and a Georgian princess. The idea is a fight of cross-cultural couple for their place in the world that whilst at the same time dealing with each other’s beliefs and religions - one being Muslim, the other Christian.

It was published under the name Kurban Said in Vienna 1937. But the real authorship of the novel has not established yet. It remains a famous mystery in Azerbaijani literature.

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