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Ten books about young and new capital of Kazakhsta...

20.07.2016 4040

Ten books about young and new capital of Kazakhstan - Astana

Ten books about young and new capital of Kazakhstan - Astana -

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Together with the National Academic Library, we have prepared for you a list of the best books about Astana. Each of them is equipped with output information, so you can find and read it by visiting the library without any problems. 

1.Astana: Encyclopedia / - Almaty Atamura 2008. -. 575, [1] c, il. . - 10,000 copies. . - 9965-34-879-0 (a lane.).

Encyclopedia tells the story of the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The book introduces us with the history, economy, population composition, culture, education, science of the republic's capital. 


2. Astana: 2006: [album] / - Astana: [B. u.] [2006]. - [22 sec.].

The photo album presents architectural constructions of young capital Astana. 


3. Adilbek Zhaksybekov - This way Astana began [Text]: Memoirs of the first mayor of capital city / Adilbek Zhaksybekov - Astana: Valerie-ART, 2008. - 303 pages.

For information on about how began the construction  and the formation of Astana, described in the revised and expanded book of the first  akim (mayor) of Kazakhstan capital - Adilbek Dzhaksybekov.


4. Astana, illuminated by the sun [Text] /; [Ed .: A.M. Sagimbayeva] - Astana: Shanyrak-Media, 2010. -. 123, [5] c, il. . - 1250 copies. . - 978-601-7060-91-6 (a lane.).

A brief, clear information in the form of reference data, presented to young readers in an artistic form, tells the story about the biography of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, tells the story of the formation of the heart of our homeland - Astana the capital of "Baiterek", architecture, monument, museums and cultural heritage sites.


5. Rustem, Bakhyt Astana - a symbol of pride and renewed Kazakhstan [Text]: [journalism] / Rustemov, Bakhyt - Astana: [b. and.] 2008. - 399 c. - [B. t.]. - 9965-21-765-3 (a lane.).

Presented the history of Astana in new and modern times on the basis of numerous written and archival documentary sources.


6. Astana - 10 years of creation / - London: Caspian Publishing House LTD, 2008. -. 285, [2] pages silt. . - - 0-9554800-1-9.

The book is dedicated to the tenth anniversary of a new capital of  Kazakhstan - Astana.


7. Nazarbayev Nursultan -  In the heart of Eurasia / Nazarbayev Nursultan; The Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Almaty: Zhibek Zholy 2011. - 312, il.. . - Vol. by prog. "The publication of socially-important types of literary." the Committee of informations and archives by Ministry of communication and information of  Republic of Kazakhstan - 2000 + 50 copies. . - 978-601-294-065-7 (a lane.).

The book contains the history of Astana. Staying in the whirl of everyday life, the first President of Kazakhstan has decided to merge the page diary entries in this book. Sophisticated solutions help colleagues, architectural searches, in a single word, thoughts and things of the President which is devoted to the new capital - they're all here.


8. Astana Chronicles: from October. 1997- by September. 2006 .: Encyc. / - Astana: Publishing House "Arai": JSC "Astana printing" 2006. - 144 c, 1 l.. PORTRAIT., il. . - Dedicated. 10-year anniversary of the young capital of Kazakhstan.


"Astana Chronicles" - the first book, that tells and narrates the story in chronological order about the history and development of our young capital, the transfering of the  capital from Almaty to that period Akmola city.


9. Capital as centers of "cultural worlds": a collection of V Annual Intern. scientific. Conf. : July 4, 2012 /; Akimat of Astana city; PF "Astana-Zertteu" - Astana: Elorda 2012. - 476 pages silt.. . - Text in Russian. and Kaz lang. . Bibliography. at the end of the reports. - [B. t.]. - 978-601-7239-14-5.

"Capitals as centers of "cultural worlds", "Astana - cultural capital of the Turkic world," Astana - cultural capital of the CIS "," cultural development problems of Astana ".


10. ABSEMETOV, Marat ORALBAEVICH Astana - a city with a millennial history / Absemetov Marat Oralbaevich - Astana: ALCHIAI group, in 2009. -. 312, [1] pages silt. . - On the back of Titus l. aut .: Absemetov M.O.; Text steam. in Kazakh. and Russian. lang. . Bibliogr .: 309-312 C. - 10 000 copies. . - 9965-21-981-8 (a lane.).

The emergence and development of the city, the country or the formation of the people, accompanied by a variety of legends and stories. Not become an exception also Astana, Akmola that way as previously it was called. As a result of searches collected and processed about 100 legends, legends and stories are presented to the reader in the author's presentation. Text steam. in Kazakh. and Russian. lang.


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