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Akhmet Baitursynuly
The Indelible history of the Great Steppe...

11.09.2015 1794

The Indelible history of the Great Steppe

The Indelible history of the Great Steppe -

ASTANA, The Book chamber Media office, September 11, 2015 - the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate conducts the International Book Exhibition "From the Kazakh Khanate to Mangilik El" and the International Scientific – Practical Conference "Uly Dalanyn oshpes tarihy" ("The Indelible history of the Great Steppe").

The main objectives and the purposes of the conference is coverage of the most important problems of the Kazakhstan historiography, including the time of beginning of the Kazakh statehood, the role of great khans of the Kazakh steppe, stages of formation of the Kazakh state, judgment of historical experience in modern political processes.

Among the participants of the Conference there are: the Minister of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Mukhamediuly, the executive secretary of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.S Ualiyev known scientists, the state and public figures from 18 foreign countries of the world and Kazakhstan.


Among other participants: Аbdel Wahed El Nabawi, Minister of culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ananich L.S., Minister of information of Republic of Belarus, Shatiaty Nisar Mojtaba, Deputy Minister of a science, researches and technologies of the Islamic Republic Iran, Dr. Moneef Zoubi (Monif Zubi), the director general of Academy of Sciences of the Islamic world (Kingdom of Jordan), Dr.Abdulrahim Abdulwahid (Abdulrakhim Abdulvakhid), the president of MediaHub International LLC in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Fadykhanov K.T., stats-secretary of the Ministry of Education of the Kirghiz Republic, Abdulvahap Kara (Abdulvakap Kara), the Dr. of Historical Sciences, the professor of the Istanbul University Mimara Sinan (Turkey), Hemdan Ibrahim, the professor, the director of the Egyptian cultural Center, attache for cultural relations at Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Kazakhstan, Dr. Michael David Frachetti, the professor of the Washington University in Saint Louis (USA), Dr. Chi Tse, director of the Security of Chinese Borderlands of the Chinese Academy of the Contemporary International Relations, Professor, etc.

Some of the books presented on the exhibition: the book of the deputy of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ph.D. in Political Science K Sultanov. "Elbasy zhane Kazak memlekettigi", Martha Brill Olcott's monograph "the Kazakhs", professors of Colgate University (USA), the book of the director of R. Suleymenov Institute of oriental studies of the Mimistry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, professor A. Derbisali and the professor of the I.Gandi National center of arts (India) Mansura Haider "Mirza Haidar Dughlat as depicted in Persian Sources".

The son of the well-known Kazakh writer Ilyas Esenberlin, the director of I.Esenberlin fund K.Esenberlin will take part in the process of the conference, and also the son of the known artists Evgeny Sidorkin and Gulfayrus Ismailova Vadim Sidorkin.

At a book exhibition "From the Kazakh Khanate to Mangilik El" more than 500 books from funds of the National State Book chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and leading publishing houses of the country will be presented.

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