Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
The International Congress of Reading...

27.11.2015 1424

The International Congress of Reading

The International Congress of Reading -

Today, November 27 in the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan the International Congress of Reading, on the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Reading nation – the future of the Great Steppe" was held. The Congress was organized in the framework of measures to implement the direction "Nation of the Common Future" Plan of the nation's "100 Steps: a modern state for all", with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Kazakh Research Institute of Culture.


The Congress was held under the patronage of UNESCO, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Library Association of Eurasia (LAE).

The purpose of the Congress is the full support of Reading, as an important element of culture and a tool to enhance the intellectual potential, the competitiveness of the nation, creative and social activity of youth.

For the event were invited prominent international and Kazakh public and political figures, scientists, poets, writers, philanthropists, cultural, publishers, journalists, teachers, leaders and officials of government agencies, representatives of culture, education and science, librarians.

Among the guests of the Congress were representatives of foreign Embassies. An Ambassador of the Embassy of Finland to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Ilkka Räisänen shared his opinion according the event and congratulated the people of Kazakhstan on forthcoming State holidays:

First of all I’m honored and pleased to be here. It’s a great achievement that Kazakhstan has created such community of intellectuals and networks of libraries. I think this library shows the future for the country. This country is already a reading nation. So it means that it is big and bright future for people who read and who are active in this field. 

I like very much the books of your President. I have been reading his autobiography; I’ve seen the movie about him. His is a great statesman, known worldwide and his activity is very much appreciated. 

For all people who love to read books and who are interested in all kind of sciences and also history and culture I wish to spend very nice holidays, good time to rea, I wish them happiness, prosperity, health and a bright future for all people of Kazakhstan”. 

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