Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
The Kazak Intelligentsia who married to ethnic min...

26.09.2017 6186

The Kazak Intelligentsia who married to ethnic minorities

The Kazak Intelligentsia who married to ethnic minorities -

In the last century (XX), the Kazak people had to overcome many difficulties. Especially, the Kazakh girls did not get out of European education and could not get out of the family. Their opportunity of knowledge was blazing. This is due to the fact that our older adults, poisoned by the Soviet policy and then Soviet rule. Taking this into account, the Intelligentsia of the Kazakhs married to European educated German, Jewish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar and other ethnic minorities girls. Their self-esteem and the psychological culture of their European educated wives was really close to them.

In the twentieth (20) and thirtieth (30) of the twentieth (XX) century, Kazakh intellectuals often married Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian, Polish, German and Tatar nationalities. For example, wives of Mukhtar Auezuli were Valentina Nikolayqizi Kuzmina and Fatima Gabitova, wife of Ahmet Baitursynov was Badrisafa Johanqizi, wife of Alikhan Bokeikhanov - Elena Jacobqizi, wife of Zhusupbek Aimauytov - Yevgeniya Kirillqizi, wife of Kanysh Satpayev - Taisiya Alexeyqizi and others. The fact that the Kazakh intellectuals were married to Russian girls should not be the reason for the absence of Kazakh girls who have a good internal and external aesthetic culture. At that time, education for our people was not the first place. And here lies the crackdown on the Soviet rule.

Mukhtar Auezov and his wives Valentina Kuzmina and Fatima Gabitova

In the summer of nineteen seventeen (1917), according to the old custom and the will of close relatives, twenty-year-old Mukhtar married the young fifteen-year-old beauty Raykhan. In nineteen eighteen (1918), Muktar-aga and Raykhan-apa had a daughter, Mugamilya (1918-2009), then a year later in nineteen-nineteen (1919) the son called Shoqan, but unfortunately he died early. In nineteen twenty (1920), their marriage broke up, with divorce Mukhtar took his daughter, whom he cared for all his life. Subsequently, Mukhtar became friends with Abay Kunanbayev's son Turaghul and married to Camilla, the granddaughter of the great poet, the daughter of Abay Kunanbaev's son Maghawiya, but this marriage soon disintegrated. In October nineteen twenty-three (1923) he entered the philological department of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University. There was an acquaintance of Mukhtar Auezov and Valentina Nikolaevna Kuzmina, who became his third wife. In nineteen twenty-nine (1929) their daughter Leila was born, later Leyla became the doctor of historical sciences, the director of the House-Museum of Mukhtar Auezov. In nineteen forty-three (1943) the son Yernar was born, he became in the future biologist. Then after few years, Mukhtar Omarkhanugli Auezov lived a civil marriage with Tatar woman Fatima Gabitova, the widow of his friend Ilyas Dzhansugurov who was murdered by Joseph Stalin's NKVD in nineteen thirty-seven (1937). In nineteen forty-three (1943) - the family reunited, they had a son, called Murat, later he became a cultured scientist, founder of the Mukhtar Auezov Foundation.

Akhmet Baytursinov and his wife Baytursinova Badrisafa (Alexandra) Mukhamedsadiqqizi

Akhmet Baitursynov is a Turkologist, linguist, reformer of the Kazakh letter on the basis of Arabic graphics, editor of the newspaper "Kazak" and, of course, a member of the Alash party. His wife- the born Alexandra Johanqizi, after accepting Islam and marrying to Akhmet Baytursinov became Baytursinova Badrisafa Mukhamedsadiqqiyzi. Around this person, there are many legends and myths. For example, that Akhmet Baytursynov allegedly rented a room from Badrisafa's father at that time still Alexandra. It's not true, She was an orphan. She did not even have her own surname. You can search in any source, mention of her surname you will not find anywhere. In fact, Badrisafa was the third candidate for the companion of Akhmet's life. His first love was a certain Inkar. A little later, Akhmet Baytursynov had an affair with the daughter of a Tartar merchant Mukhamedsadiq. But the woman died suddenly because of illness. And then Akhmet Baytursinov took as his wife a girl who worked in the merchant's house. For reasons unknown to me, Ahmet during the official registration of marriage used documents of a tragically dead Tartar. So Alexandra became Badrisafa. Later, Akhmet Baytursinov left Badrisafa for several months to comprehend the basics of Islam from the Bashkir Sufi sheikh Zeynullah-ishan. An interesting fact: Akhmet Baytursinov was very proud that he was able to convert to the Islam Alexandra from a different religion. One day, a friend, fascinated by the beauty of a Muslim convert, asked Akhmet what kind of girl she was. And then Akhmet Baytursinov answered in a poetic form:

Surasañız esimi Alexandra Ivanovna, (Her name is Alexandra Ivanovna if you are interested,)

Rizamın qudaydıñ onı mağan qiğanına. (I'm thankful to the forces of heaven for her.)

Bir käpirdi musılman qılıp sawaptapsam, (Turning a girl from other religious faith into a Muslim)

Tatımay ma on moldanıñ imanına. (No less iman than ten mullahs wrapped around my heart)

The Baytursynovs had three foster children. Which suggests that one of them was sterile. What happened to Badrisafa after Akhmet Baytursinov was shot, is for certain unknown. There are two versions: she died all forgotten, either in a nursing home or in a disabled house, or in a hospital, or she ended her days in the village of Cascat Mendykara district, where she was escorted by someone who knew Akhmet Baitursynov. Probably the second version. Since during the investigation, the historian in the nursing home did not find the traces of her stay. Also, there is information that Kasym Togyzakov warned the family where she was settled that she is the wife of a famous person but asked no one to tell about her.

Turar Ryskulov is a landmark Kazakh politician, pan-Turkist, prominent Soviet figure. He had four wives, three of them Russian, Polish, Jewish and the fourth one was only half Kazakh. And that he wanted to leave for the sake of the Russian operetta actress Regina Lazareva. And his second wife Nadezhda Pushkareva was, presumably, the sister of Jahanshah Dosmukhamedov's wife.

Jakhanshah Dosmukhamedov is the first Kazakh prosecutor, politician, prominent figure in the Alash-Orda party. His companion of life is Olga. In different sources appears under different names - Kolossovskaya and Pushkareva. And, if in the sources that I read, it is called Pushkareva, it is claimed that she is the sister of Risqulov's wife - Nadejda Pushkareva, and the fact that her Kazakh name was Zaira. And if in the articles on Jahanshah, she is recorded as Kolossovskaya, then it is said that her father was the mayor of Shymkent, when it was called the city of Chernyaev. He knew the Kazakh language, well knew our traditions. Jakhanshah saw Olga when he was in Moscow, she, then just finished medical. In the final year, they played a wedding. Olga accepted Islam. And after the death of her husband struggled to protect his good memory from the slanderers. So, she openly opposed the novel "The Stranglethorn" of Saken Seifulin, where her husband was exposed in an unattractive light. Kolossovskaya was friends with Nadezhda Krupskaya, Lenin's wife. In many ways, therefore, no one touched Jahanshah until the death of the great revolutionary. After the death of Jakhanshah, Olga never married again, and they had no children.

by Akhan Tuleshov - Literary Portal

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