Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
The Transit Passenger spoke in English...

29.09.2014 2246

The Transit Passenger spoke in English

The Transit Passenger spoke in English -

September 26, the UK’s central Asian theatre company, Orzu Arts staged Dulat Issabekov’s play The Transit Passenger in Astana  as part of a festival of languages.

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Astana, September 26, Schoolchildren's Palace. The UK’s central Asian theatre company, Orzu Arts staged Dulat Issabekov’s play The Transit Passenger as part of a festival of languages.

The premiere in Astana Schoolchildren's Palace was in tree languages – 26 in English, 27 in Russian and 28 in Kazakh.

Capital citizens could see the transformation of Kazakh idea and literature in Russian and English and how our culture is shown in other countries. This cultural event was also directed to the support of the polylingual space in Kazakhstan and works towards promotion of respect and tolerance of young generation to different people and cultures. 

The play examines two ideas that so many societies and communities grapple with: how far should we maintain or rejection tradition? How can people of different generations best related to one another? And what of family ties?

Rahima Abuvaliyeva, a professor of Aitmatov Academy was an initiator of translation Issabekov’s books into English. The Transit Passenger was chosen because its subjects that must be clear to everyone. First the performance was planned as experimentative. The play was given to theatre translator Robin Thomson to adapt it for English stage production. The stage director of The Transit Passenger is Yuldosh Juraboev . 

The first night of the play was in London, April 7 in the Lion and Unicorn Theatre . The Kazakh Ambassador to the UK attended the premiere.

“The audience reaction this week has been fantastic,” said director of Orzu Arts, Yuldosh Juraboev. Producer Joseph Sanders added: “What we found most rewarding was to see two cultures in dialogue.

Dulat Issabekov’s text raised some of the key questions being discussed in Kazakh society today. We had such positive reactions in the immediacy of the auditorium.” 

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