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Why did Berdibek Sokpakbayev commit suicide?...

19.05.2017 4774

Why did Berdibek Sokpakbayev commit suicide?

Why did Berdibek Sokpakbayev commit suicide? -


Children's writer, classic Berdibek Sokpakbayev passed away on July 24, 1991 in his country house near Almaty. About his sudden departure in society there are different opinions. The second wife of the writer Bibigul Konysbaev, with whom he lived at the time, says that he had a heart attack. For these 20 years, the woman voices the journalists this version.

His last years the writer preferred to be alone, did not communicate with anyone, and on that ill-fated day in the house he was alone. It is inherent in the Kazakh people not to disclose such cases, and all the subtleties of death remain a secret, among the closest. And Berdibek was buried in silence. But, after many years, Kadyr Mirzaliev's book "Jazmysh" is published, where events are described in detail that a heated controversy broke out among writers. There the author of the book narrates about the death of Berdibek: "Berdybek Sokpakbayev by nature was a strong and well-fed Kazakh, a man from strong and healthy ancestors, and most importantly, a strong spirit. Not to mention serious illnesses, he never melted with minor illnesses, was not exposed to a cold, the word was a big man. Well, his work was dedicated only to realistic, unvarnished plots, where there was no place for pompous works, where there is a lot of water. One day our brother was no more. So, suddenly. I did not believe the words of people, I did not want to believe my ears. I could not allow such a thought. But believe, and do not believe! The deceased cannot be resurrected. We spent it on the last journey. The writer was given a nugget to the black earth. We buried him with our own hands. But still the soul was tormented by doubts. A sensitive person feels something is wrong. Feels! I suspected, and my suspicions were justified. Later, from the recognition of my colleague who was an eyewitness of the death of Berdibek, I learned that he, four other men, had personally removed the corpse of the writer from the rope at the Kensai dacha (house for summer vacations). The Kazakh press kept silent about how the writer died. We ourselves did not know anything. The Kazakh reader still does not know how Berdibek left. " Thus, the entire Kazakh society will learn the details of the writer's demise ...


In the words of Sain Muratbekov, "Berdibek wrote only the truth, and did not spend paper just like that." And his death made us think not only the closest, but also the readers. "Why?", "Why?" Tormented by questions. Indeed, the author of a favorite of children of different generations, the work "My name is Skin", "The Dead Do Not Come Back" could have killed themselves like that? Even if he wanted to settle his life, who or what prompted him to take this crazy step?

Searching for answers to these questions, we again began to look for information from the memories of his contemporaries. People's writer of Kazakhstan Muzafar Alimbaev in his memoirs points out such details that we could not but attach importance to it: "I remember that it was one of the autumn days of 1958. After a day's work, I was left alone in my office, wrapped in my thoughts. Someone knocked on the door. It was with a plump face, round eyes, seemingly homely, but quite decent suit, an unfamiliar man. At his hand was a small book. He was about thirty-five years old, he was younger than me for several years. After health: "You do not know me. But I come to you as a fellow countryman. I read your poems continuously, they are like the reader, but there are not many of them yet. And your magazine is completely good. This edition loves the whole people. The magazine is aimed correctly. You know, the needs of the younger generation, "- so the young man expressed his opinion. "Thank you for your warm opinion. Do you specialize in literature? Or are you engaged in teaching? "I asked. "I'll say this later ... See, your team consists of the strongest masters of their business. For example, only Berdibek Sokpakbayev is worth something? Such a talented, real connoisseur of child psychology, how he writes in a heartfelt manner? ", He said admiringly. "It's true, no doubt, he is talented. We did not just appoint him head of the prose department, "I said. "Anuar Duisenbiev is also growing before our eyes, a good children's poet. He inherent in knightly manners, that is, serie! How can he be good for the secretary? But Kadir Myrzaliyev, although he graduated from the institute yesterday, has a good potential, "he said. I was impressed by his deep knowledge and a subtle evaluation of our employees. I'll tell you the truth, I was flattered by his words. Who is he then? He read my question over my eyes: "Muz-aga! I ... "Having said this, he drew his little testimony from his breast pocket, holding my eyes for a long time, he gave me time to get acquainted with them. His portrait is also glued on it. After that, he instantly returned the certificate to the place. "We know that you are a true communist, with a profound responsibility, an experienced leader. That's why I came to talk to you frankly. Berdibek Sokpakbaev who is he? What he really is? What is his ideological position? Political view? ", The young man clearly asked. "He is one of those who are not in the party. But this does not prevent him from supporting the domestic and foreign policies of the party and government. His works are consistent, hitherto did not notice any ideologically after him. With us, he never sporadic statements. At the team, he is a diligent employee. I do not know about his behavior outside the editorial office, "I said as it is. "In that case, you did not see me. I have not spoken with you. And that's it, "he said and went home. I, shocked by such a conversation, completely shattered, wandered home. "What did this man do?" I wondered and could not find the answer. It was impossible to ask anyone about this. Nobody knew about this. Only in the editorial office there was one event that could indirectly concern that conversation. A ten-day event dedicated to Kazakh literature and culture was held in Moscow, where problems of Kazakh children's literature were discussed. At this meeting, Lev Kassil was puzzled asked the members of our delegation: "Where is Berdibek Sokpakbaev?". One of us said uncertainly, saying the writer was unwell and could not come. To which Lev Kassil shook his head disapprovingly. After this tenth day, as editor, I still warmly treated my team, each of them I had deep respect, tried not to show my experiences. And in the behavior of Berdibek, I did not notice any changes or alarm. Nobody gave me instructions to release him from his post. He himself wrote a letter of resignation and left his job in his own way. "I want to devote myself to pure creativity," he said. All of us, a friendly team, painfully parted with him. There was not a spark of misunderstanding between us. All was good. Now thinking over this period again, I suddenly realized that Berdibek's decision was influenced by external forces. As in the editorial office of "Baldyrgan" it was the warmest and there was not a working atmosphere, where both Berdibek and others felt a friendly spirit. True, among the onlookers and ill-wishers there were also such statements, saying "He already wrote off his own, exhausted writer. In addition to his biography, his fantasy, the world of imagination has dried up. " "If I stand on the side of truth, I cannot bring it to the society, it will not pass through the sieve of barriers," - in my opinion, this was the position of the writer, who wanted to remain in the shadows. Or maybe his innuendo, the most intimate thoughts are kept deep in the chest? Silence strangles the poet. Perhaps the same fate experienced talent Berdibek. I could not solve this riddle. " As his colleague wrote, Berdibek not only left his job, he never touched the letter until the end of his days. He explained that he "cannot write lies". Or is it because of the pressure that came from the "three letters"? Because her younger sister Nesipkhan Amanbayeva in her interview in the issue devoted to the life and work of Berdibek of the magazine "Akiz Adam" says: "My brother openly opposed what he did not like in society. One day my middle brother told an interesting story about Brother Berdibek: "I stood in the store, as my brother came panting, all pale and confused. "How are you, is everything okay? What happened? "I asked, and he:" I feel that someone has been following me for a long time, "he said. My middle brother is a hot guy, immediately wound up: "Who is he? Russian? Show them to me! I will put everyone in the place, "he said, wanting to teach the offenders some time. And Brother Berdibek answered: "No, do not interfere. You do not need this, "Berdibek said, and for a long time did not let him out of the store.

The news came to us that he died of a heart attack. We all believed this outcome. Later, more and more, rumors began to emerge, different conversations related to death. The first time I heard this conversation, I involuntarily remembered my brother's words. "Someone is following me," what did he mean by that, warn? Who pursued him, for what? Why did he not tell the truth? Maybe they contributed to suicide? "Such thoughts did not give rest. My brother could not hurt anyone, so that someone could pursue him, for revenge. The reason may be that he loved to speak only the truth ... to ask about the death of Bibigul-tate did not suffice me. I did not want to fray the old wound, and cause pain. His last journey was spent by Bakkozha Mukai. The whole funeral was organized by him. All the details of the death of the writer are known to him ... "- she said, this is evidence that the life of the writer was restless.


Muzafar Alimbaev said that in 1958 the writer was persecuted from the KGB. This control intensified in the seventies. This was facilitated by the World Conference of Writers of Asia and Africa, held in Almaty in December 1973. This is what the writer Rymgali Nurgaliyev wrote in his book "Taudan tusken adam" to Berdibek Kunaev: "At one time I not only went to Kazakhstan, I complained even further. Thinking that there is justice, the truth. I wrote a telegram addressed to the World Conference of Asian and African Writers held in Tashkent, that I have no shelter, and drew trouble. And the KGB, the Central Committee, and the Writers' Union chased me like a dog. It was at a time when your glory was beyond limit, but you did not give me a helping hand, and now you are tormenting my heart, praising me. ALL OF US TOLD IS LIES. ALL LIES. AND IN THE BOOKS WRONG. IN THE NEWSPAPER. ATTITUDE BETWEEN PEOPLE IN FAITH. LIES. LIES. I LIED FROM EVERYTHING, "he writes. This conversation was after Kunaev was removed from office.

Why did not Berdibek write?

Berdibek Sokpakbayev with all his heart and soul was against Soviet power. Especially this dislike he spells out in his novel "Ulgender Kaytyp kelmeidi", where the author through sarcasm, pathos and jeer reflects the realities of society. This work, although it was published, was subjected to a hard purge. Many fragments did not pass the barriers of censorship. "I did not write lies. They distorted the whole truth, they did not give it to the press. Why write a lie is better not to write at all? "The writer seems to have decided for himself. Because to everyone who asked: "Why do not you write?" He answered exactly that way. But the writers did not believe that he was not engaged in creativity. Kadyr Myrzaliyev writes about this: "Sometimes our paths intersected, and each time we warmly greeted each other. At that time, I worked in the editorial office of the journal Zhuldyz. He also quit his job and was engaged in free creativity. - Beke, what are you writing? - I ask. -What should I write? I'm not writing anything. Better than me a drunkard! They at least have a good time. I'm not saying that I will not write at all. I want to write. But they do not let you talk about truth. And I do not want to write lies! - he joked, but at the same time he talked about the sore point. - I was born a writer, which means that we must deal with creativity. How can a writer without a letter?! Can! But it's hard to give! But there is no choice! I did not believe the answer to Beke. I still do not believe it. God knows, Becke wrote about something. But after the World Conference of Writers of Asia and Africa, passed in Tashkent, he was greatly afraid. Because after that he was persecuted by the KGB. I do not doubt this. But I repeat, at that time he wrote a powerful work. Russian writers published their forbidden works abroad. Beke knew this well. Do you think he did not review all possible and impossible ways? God knows, looked. Although he did not plan to publish, he planned to finish writing accurately. All summer time he spent at the cottage. And what was he doing there, collecting weeds?! Of course, he was engaged in creativity. But, as the saying goes, "the enemy did not take long to wait." The wreckers did get to the bottom of his letter, and eventually they killed him himself. If my guesses are accurate, then this manuscript has already been destroyed! What could be worse than this! .. In the last days of his life, Berdibek withdrew into himself. He strongly felt the intensity of the threat! "- recalls the poet. Perhaps ... Maybe he wrote ... it's impossible to believe that a creative person does not touch the pen. But if there was a manuscript, then where is it?


So, in the environment of Berdibek there is a lot of understatement, unsolved mysteries. Those who know him close, people say that "Berdibek was not from the category of suicides". The majority have the opinion that "it may have been killed, but the manuscript was destroyed." Especially the poet Kadyr writes passionately about it: "Anyway, I do not believe that he could have committed suicide. His death is similar to the death of Sergei Yesenin. There, too, smells of crime, "- so he hints at the communion of other persons.

The Russians, after all, proved that Yesenin was killed. So, they raised the name of their favorite poet. And we still have not been able to justify Berdibek ... We did not hear the cry of the sublime heart, which was torn to freedom. Only after in 1992 his body was found hanging on an apple-tree, the poet Otjazhan Nurgaliyev, who was broken by this, said: "By his death, Berdibek might want to tell us something. And you, hiding his death, from the people hid his last thought. You encroached on his freedom even after his death. "... In the end, the poet wrote a poem" The Dead Do Not Sleep, Why Are the People Slow? "(" Olgender Oyau, tiriler nege qyqida? "). Reading a fragment of this poem, you can think about whether we are in the shroud of drowsiness? ...

Translated by Akhan Tuleshov, Author Marfuga Shapiyan – Literary Portal

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