04.09.2017 4086
The Literature portal collective congratulated Tolen Abdik on his 75th birthday
01.09.2017 3738
Markhabat Baygut: We have two writers in the world with lines and wrinkles on the face. One is William Somerset Maugham, the other is me!
25.08.2017 3007
Roza Muqanova: I'm as busy as a camel
04.08.2017 3404
E-books or Paper books?
03.08.2017 2642
Not switching but returning to Latin alphabet of Kazak language
02.08.2017 7801
Importance of trilingual education for Kazakstan
01.08.2017 4921
Interesting facts about an outstanding Kazakh people's poet, akyn, composer Aqan Seri Aqjıgıt Qoramsauli
31.07.2017 2539
Books recommend to our readers by ...
20.07.2017 2526
Own reading technique. Time prefer to read. Marginaling notes or useful interesting extracts from the reading text.
18.07.2017 3653
Pavel Bannikov: Services with the ratings of books, in my opinion, this is such a big deception actually.