17.06.2016 4010
"The great son of mankind": the 195th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky
16.06.2016 3461
Article dedicated to the 175 anniversary of the birth of the outstanding educator of the Kazakh people, educator, folklorist, ethnographer, writer, public figure Ibray Altynsarin (1841-1889)
15.06.2016 2674
The poem «Das Lied von Kulager» – «Kulager» poem were presented
15.06.2016 1536
"Article dedicated to "25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the 25th anniversary of restoration and the return of statehood of Kazakhs)" 1916 - 100 years since the beginning of the national liberation uprising of the Kazakhs.
15.06.2016 2743
The poem «Das Lied von Kulager»( "The Kulager poem") – «Kulager» poem will be presented
14.06.2016 2536
"The best of of this world is for children" - the famous children's writer Dariya Dzhumageldinova 65 years old
13.06.2016 2006
The official opening of INFOLAB @ at the Goethe Institute
10.06.2016 1887
"Imagoes of Routine"
08.06.2016 1768
“The Memorial Day of Political Repression Victims”
07.06.2016 6120
Museum of Saken Seifullin