12.05.2014 1827
Anuar Alimzhanov’s birthday
11.05.2014 2310
Alkey Margulan: 110th anniversary of the scientist, the founder of archeology of Kazakhstan
11.05.2014 2585
Ethel Lilian Voynich: 150 today
09.05.2014 2286
May 9 - Victory Day
07.05.2014 2270
Defender of the Motherland Day
01.05.2014 1456
«Novellasia» announced its top five winners!
29.04.2014 1290
Ulugbek Yesdauletov's birthday
29.04.2014 1516
Short-list of the “Novellasia” fiction competition.
23.04.2014 2150
William Shakespeare 450 anniversary and the World book day
21.04.2014 1877
Charlotte Brontë: the birthday of the English author