Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Altynsarin Ibrahim (Ybyrai)

Altynsarin Ibrahim (Ybyrai)

Altynsarin Ibrahim (Ybyrai)

Ibrahim  (Ybyrai) Altynsarin  (1841-1889) Born in Araqaraghai volost, Nikolaevsk (Qostanai) uezd, Torghai oblast. Qypshaq tribe, Middle Zhuz. 


Graduated from a school attached to the Orenburg Border Commission. 


Inspector of schools in Torghai oblast.  Founded many schools for Kazakh children. 


In spite of being a dis- ciple of Nikolai Il’minskii who tried to propagate Orthodox Christianity among non-Russians, was opposed to teaching Christian beliefs to Kazakhs. 


Spoke against influence of the Tatar language and culture, and wrote textbooks and an Islamic catechism in Kazakh.  Also studied eth- nography and oral literature.