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Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Amantay Didar

Amantay Didar

Didar Amantay is a well-known Kazakh writer, the winner of the Daryn State youth award, the Tarlan award in the nomination A new name – a new hope. 
Didar’s father Amantay Kosylbekov, was the rural doctor. 
After termination of school Didar studied at polytechnical institute, graduated from philosophical economics department of KazGU, faculty of cinema of T.Zhurgenov Institute of theater and cinema, worked in Habar agency, headed editorial offices of newspapers; became the winner of the Daryn State youth award; the Tarlan Independent award, twice won literary competitions of Soros-Kazakhstan Fund. Now Didar Amantay works as the editor-in-chief of the  Kazakhfilm film studio.
In prose he is a philosopher, in philosophy - the prose writer. He offers his readers only a residue, extract, an essence of his thoughts and supervision. He is convincing in dialogues, details, strokes, nuances. He creates a spirit. 
His characters are the young people who are looking for the truth, doubting, easily vulnerable, reflexing.