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Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Aytbayev Mazhit

Aytbayev Mazhit

Aytbayev Mazhit
Mazhit Aytbayev was the poet with tragic destiny; he was the native of the Karmakchin region of Kyzylorda area but it so happened that he created in fascist Germany, in the emigrant surrounding.
How it happened? First let’s track his life journey. So, at first everything run its course. As well as his brother, Salikhitdin Aytbayev who has become subsequently a well-known artist, Mazhit went on the beaten path track of an ordinary Soviet person, whose youth has for years of a cult of personality of Stalin.
In 1937-1939 Aytbayev was the teacher of Kyzylorda teacher's college, the head of the student's training courses, authorized in the Union of writers Kazakhstan on Kyzylorda area. Verses and stories of Mazhit were printed in the periodical press, published in literary collections. He was also engaged in literary translation.
In 1939 Aytbayev was called up for military service, and he served on the western border of the Soviet Union. In 1941 Mazhit was taken prisoner, from that moment the second half of his compelled life began. In Germany he joined the surrounding of Moustapha Chokay, and became a member of the committee a National unity of Turkestan, and then he participated in the edition of Yana Turkestan, Millie Turkestan, issued the almanac «Millie adebiet».
Aytbaev Mazhit published his works under the pseudonym Kobyzshy Korkyt. Do you remember Magzhan Zhumabayev had such poem? And indeed, it is possible to call Mazhit Aytbayev the successor of poetry of Magzhan Zhumabayev according to his poetry orientation. There is the same pain for Kazakhs and the same burning desire to see the Homeland free and proud, and, certainly, to it was added inescapable melancholy of the person separated from the native land in Mazhit.
In the phenomenon of Mazhit Aytbayev we have a unique case of the Kazakh emigrant poetry. In 1943 in Berlin a collection of poems of M. Aytbayev Khan Ablay came out. It included 2 poems, 3 ballads, 4 songs, 41 poems. This collection was republished in Munich in 1971. One number of «Millie adebiet» was entirely devoted to the 30th anniversary of Mazhit Aytbayev. Aytbayev died in 1945 in Dresden from fragmental wound as a result of bomb explosion.
Presently the name of Mazhit Aytbayev gradually gains popularity. During the period from 1991 to 1995 about 30 his poems were published.
Biography is written by Auezkhan Kodar