Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Dzhumaliyev Hazhim

Dzhumaliyev Hazhim

Dzhumaliyev Hazhim
Hazhim (Kazhigali) Dzhumaliyev was a Kazakh poet and scientist was born in 1907 in the district Zhangiz - Agash, the Karatobe area, the West Kazakhstan area, in a family of the middle peasant. After death of the father in 1919 Hazhim was left on care of older brothers.
Being twelve years old, having learned reading and writing, he wrote down and learned by heart separate powerful poems and ceremonial songs.
In 1923 Dzhumaliyev goes to school for adults in Orenburg. In a year he goes to an aul where takes active part in the Soviet and Komsomol work. Then he continues the doctrine at the Chimkent Agricultural Institute. These years Hazhim Dzhumaliyev writes his first poems and has them published on pages of republican newspapers and magazines, enters the literary faculty of the Abay Kazakh Teacher Training College. After the termination about five years he was giving lectures in Uralsk Teacher's Institute. 
After that Hazhim Dzhumaliyev lived in Alma –Ata, held a chair of the Kazakh literature at the Kazakh State Teacher Training College, gave lectures in higher education institutions of the capital and at the same time worked as the writer.
H.Dzhumaliyev's first poem «Batrak I Galiaskar» (The farm laborer and Galiaskar) was printed in the newspaper «Leninshil zhas» in 1928. Soon in the magazine «Zhana adebiet» (New literature) Dzhumaliyev published the poem «Erkhozha and Egizbay», devoted to class fight in aul. The farm laborer Erkhozha, being long time on service at Egizbay, declares war to him. During property confiscation of the bay Ergozha exposes the owner.
In his poems Ala-Tau, «Kipit trud» (The work is humming), «Shagay, traktor! » (Walk, a tractor!) the poet describes a new life of aul.
The subjects of the present time are covered in such works as «Konevod I zima» (The horse breeder and winter), «Kto my byli vchera I kem stali» (Who we were yesterday and we are today) and many others. The characters of these poems are free, strong spirit people, active builders of communism.
In 1933 his book of poems Nastupleniye (Approach) was published.
The first collection was followed by the novel in verses «Krovavyi pereval» (The bloody pass) which covers the big period of time: the revolt of the Kazakh poor in 1916, Russian revolution, years of civil war and the collectivization period in Kazakhstan. The main character is Salim who passed a big way of class fight and has become the advanced person of a collective-farm aul.
The poems of Dzhumaliyev’s second collection were published in 1939, reflect events of pre-war five-years periods.
The next years Hazhim Dzhumaliyev acts as a playwright. The opera libretto «Birzhan and Sara», entered into repertoire of the Abay Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is written by Hazhim Dzhumaliyev. In a co-authorship with poet Abu Sarsenbayev Dzhumaliyev wrote the heroic drama Poedinok (Duel), put in the Kazakh academic drama theater.
Hazhim Dzhumaliyev was the author of many textbooks for high school on history of the Kazakh literature of the XIX century.
A lot of work is done by Hazhim Dzhumaliyev on collecting, studying and publication of works of the singer and the participant of revolt of Isatay Taymanov Makhambet Utemisov.
Hazhim Dzhumaliyev wrote monographic research about poetic mastership of Abay.
Hazhim Dzhumaliyev was the professor, the Doctor of Philology, the correspondent member of Academy of Sciences of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic.
On the occasion of decade of the Kazakh art and literature in Moscow the Kazakh State Publishing House of fiction published the collection of the selected poems by Hazhim Dzhumaliyev.