Today's Birthdays
Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Akhmadullina Bella

Akhmadullina Bella

Akhmadullina Bella

Akhmadullina Bella was born on April 10, 1937 in Moscow. Her father – Tatarian, deputy minister, and mother - Russian of the Italian origin, worked as an interpreter in Committee of national safety. She started to write verses at school. She was criticized in newspaper “Комсомольская правда” in 1957. Graduated from Literary Institute in 1960. She was expelled from institute for refusal to support Boris Pasternak's persecution, later she was restored. In 1964 she acted as the journalist in Vasily Shukshin's movie “Живёт такой парень” (“There lives such guy”). The tape received “Golden lion” at the film festival in Venice. In 1970 Akhmadullina appeared on screens in the movie “Sport, Sport, Sport”.



First collection of verses called “Струна” (“String”) appeared in 1962. Then followed her poetic collections “Fever” (1968), “Music lessons” (1970), “Verses” (1975), “Blizzard” (1977), “Candle” (1977), “Secret” (1983), “Garden” (State award of USSR, 1989). For Akhmadullina's poetry intense lyricism, refinement of forms, obvious muster with poetic tradition of the past are characteristic.



In the 1970th the poetess visited Georgia, since then this earth took a noticeable place in her creativity. Akhmadullina translated Georgian writers such as N. Baratashvili, G. Tabidze, I. Abashidze and others. Akhmadullina participated in creation of not subacceptable literary almanac “Metropol” In 1979. Akhmadullina spoke in support of the Soviet dissidents pursued by the authorities more than once — Andrei Sakharov, Lev Kopelev, Georgy Vladimov, Vladimir Voynovich. Her statements in their protection were published in “New York Times”, repeatedly broadcast “Freedom” and to “the Voice of America”.



She signed “The letter of forty two” in 1993. Akhmadullina wrote about modern poets, also essays about A.S. Pushkin and M.Y. Lermontov. Bella was a hero of a book “Signature of a century”, in which one part was dedicated to her. Last years she was hardly sick, become blind.



She passed away on November 29, 2010 in a car of Emergency aid. According to her husband Boris Messer’s words, the cause of death was cardiovascular disease. The president of Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev expressed his condolence to relations of poetess. Farewell with Bella Akhmadullina took place on December 3, 2010 in Central House of writers in Moscow. She was buried in Novodeviche burial ground.





Akhmadullina was the first wife of Evgeniy Evtushenko, later a wife of Yuriy Nagiben. She had daughter from Balkar classic writer Kaisyn Kuliev’ son Eldar Kuliev. Her name is Liza, she was born in 1973. In 1974 she married the theatrical artist Boris Messerer. Elizabetha Kulieva, as her mother, graduated from Literary institute. Second daughter Anna, graduated from Printing institute, and makes out books as the illustrator. Last years of life Bella Akhmadullina lived in Peredelkino with her husband.