Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Dukenbay Doszhan

Dukenbay Doszhan

Dukenbay Doszhan

Dukenbay Doszhan – writer, the prose writer, the winner of the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National award named after M. Auezov. His name is written by gold letters in the Kazakh encyclopedia and in the collection of the USA “People of literature and art”.


He was born in 1942 in Zhanakorgan region. According to the newspaper “Кызылординские вести” (“Kyzylordinskie vesti”) the talent given by the nature to transfer figuratively and colourfully fantasy thoughts on paper, to establish the facts writes, dressing them in an art cover, have led to the fact that in 15 years stories of the beginning writer “Кокпар” (“Kokpar”) and “Кумыс” (“Kumis”) have been published in republican mass media. As then critics spoke: “... originality and a bright figured syllable, deep knowledge of national traditions have also caused keen reader's interest”. With writing of a new work of art Dukenbay Doszhan's feather was perfected and has introduced a new wave in the Kazakh prose. For the career he has written 11 novels, 24 stories and more than 100 stories.


Great popularity to him was brought the book “By a difficult step, the novel “Silk Way” for which the Ukrainian publishing house has awarded the prestigious award “For the Best Historical Novel”, the Romanized autobiographies of Abai and Mukhtar Auezov.


His work “When I Died” was published “The Most Readable Writer” series. D. Doszhan's books are translated into the main languages of the world, and they were read by more than 3,7 million people from the different countries.