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A poet B.Karagyzuly presented his book of poems in...

22.06.2015 1456

A poet B.Karagyzuly presented his book of poems in Kirghiz

A poet B.Karagyzuly presented his book of poems in Kirghiz -

Astana June 22 – A collection of poems Topyrak demy (Топырақ демі) by the Kazakh poet Bauyrzhan Karagyzuly went out in the Kirghiz language. Translator is a young Kirghiz poetess Kalisha Zhakypova

Last year Kalisha participated in XVII Shabyt  International youth festival within the Literary portal ( and became a laureate in the Best Literary work - Poetry nomination.  

The presentation of the book was held in the Bishkek Kirghiz National Drama theatre. Not only past but also new poems were published in this book. The press run of the collection is 500. 

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