Today's Birthdays
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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Akhmet Baytursinuli’s birthday...

15.01.2014 2038

Akhmet Baytursinuli’s birthday

Akhmet Baytursinuli’s birthday -

images.jpgOne theory is that today is Akhmet Baytursinuli’s birthday.

Akhmet Baytursinuli was a Kazakh intellectual who worked in the fields of politic, poetry, linguistics and education. Baytursinuli was born in what is today Kostanay Province, and was educated at the Orenburg Teachers' School.

in 1895 Baytursinuli published his first article, "Kirgizskie primety i poslovitsy" ("Kazakh Omens and Proverbs") in a regional newspaper. His other significant publication of this time was a Kazakh translation of Ivan Krylov's fables. In 1911, Baytursinuli published his first work of a distinctly political nature — Masa ("Mosquito").

Another of Baytursinuli's significant accomplishments was his adaptation of Arabic script for the Kazakh alphabet.

Baytursinuli's work is part of the curriculum for high school education system of Kazakhstan.

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