May 12, 1930 – was born a Soviet and Kazakh writer, a well-known publicist, a public figure Anuar Alimzhanov
May 12, 1930 – was born a Soviet and Kazakh writer wrote in Russian, a well-known publicist, a public figure Anuar Alimzhanov.
Today Anuar Alimzhanov would be 85.

In different periods he worked as a correspondent in «The literary newspaper» (Moscow) and Pravda newspaper, an editor-in-chief in the Kazakh adebieti literary weekly.
He also was a first secretary of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan and USSR, a chairman of the Kazakh Fund of culture, a chairman of the board of the Peace and Conciliation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
October 29 - December 26, 1991 - headed the Council of Republics of the Supreme Council of the USSR. In 1991 was elected as a Chairman of Socialist party of Kazakhstan.
One of the most popular novels of Anuar Alimzhanov is Arrow Makhambet (rus. «Стрела Махамбета»), written in 1969. This novel is about the life and work of the founder of Kazakh civil poetry - Makhambet Utemisov.
Anuar Alimzhanov died on November 9, 1993.
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