Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Collections of Kazakh Classical and Modern Litera...

13.07.2016 22954

Collections of Kazakh Classical and Modern Literature in English from the funds of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 Collections of Kazakh Classical and Modern Literature in English from the funds of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan -
Literary Portal - in common with National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan-  and in  jointly by Kazakhstan National Electronic Library - offers to our readers to visit the "brilliant" virtual book exhibitions and fairs. The First Book Exhibition that we suggest you to attend is 
"Collections of Kazakh Classical and Modern Literature in English from the funds of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan"


 08.jpgKozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu 
Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu - Kazakh lyric-epic poem XIII - XIV centuries, written in the middle of the XIX century. The poem was known in oral versions by "akyns" ( kazakh singing tellers) Sybanbay, Bekbay, Zhanak, Shozhe. It's the about 20 variants and the most famous version is Zhanak's. The written version of the most common version, recorded by folklore collectors Sablukov (1831), G. Derbisalin (1834), A. Frolov (1841), Chokan Valikhanov (1856). In Russian poem was published by M. Putintsev in 1865, then it was included in the third volume of the collection W.Radloff "Samples of folk literature of Turkic tribes' 1870.  An old legend about the tragic love Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu says, some friends from childhood Sarybai and Karabai vowed to marry their children, which even before the birth of the hoop. Without waiting for the birth of his son, Sarybai dies while hunting . Younger Kozy and Bayan, have not seen each other yet , but linked fately bonds of the marriage contract, finally fell in love. Time passes and Karabai changes life plans. He promises to give his daughter to the local paluan( warrior) Kodar, who saved one of his flock from dzhut( starvation and mass death of livestock). Kodar becomes a barrier between the lovers. In this eternal triangle of the first folded violent head Kozy. Saddened Bayan to avenge the killer, she resorted to trickery. She promises to marry Kodar, if he will dig for it well with spring water. Kodar gets to work, all venturing holding long braids Bayan. She suddenly cuts off the spit: Kodar left in the well die. Thus Kozy avenged. On his grave legend heroine stabs herself with a dagger. In the folklore of some Turkic peoples, there are other versions of the poem. For example, the Bashkirs it is called "Cuza Kurpesh menen Mayan hylu", in Tatars - "Kuzy Korpesh", in Altai - "Cozy Erkesh".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 07.jpgFinal Respects - Abdi-Jamil Nurpeisov
Annotation of the book "Final Respects : A Novel in two books"Above this novel-dilogy largest writer of our time, winner of the State Prize of the USSR, the author of the famous trilogy of "Blood and Sweat" Abdi-Jamil Nurpeisov spent nearly a quarter century. This is a deeply realistic painting, philosophical understanding of truly  not coverable tragedy of the people - the death of the Aral Sea. In the novel, raging passion formidable human destiny. Sea becoming shallow shoal, fish goes away and dissapears, the coasts and shores  without people. A terrible evil - careerism, living life by today, greed, lies, demagoguery - rust corrupt eroding the ancient moral foundations, principles and value. Warped nature, warped destinies of people. There is in this novel a brutal clarity, cold irreversibility of scrudge benefits. Ideas are embedded well as traces in the thawing by day and by night hardened ice. But the clarity of traces of human fragile, deceptive, like a fortress floe, taking in the sea. The reader excites and captivates something unpredictable, rising out of the dark and lively depth bottomless stirring beneath the thin ice ...Authorized translation from the Kazakh to Russian first book, "And then there was a day ...", Anatoly Kim and Herold Berger. Authorised translation of the second book, "And then there was the night ...", Anatoly Kim. Authorized translation from the  Russian to English Catherine Fitzpatrick

Read the book in English                      


 06.jpgBlood and Sweat - Abdi-Jamil Nurpeisov 
 The author tells about the hard life of Kazakh fishermen in the  shore of the Aral Sea, on the ruthless exploitation of their labor. Emerging social conflicts resulted in an open struggle of the Russian proletariat and the poor Kazakh for the establishment of Soviet power. Historical-revolutionary trilogy of prominent Kazakh writer Abdi-Jamil Nurpeisov "Blood and Sweat" covers the events that took place in Kazakhstan during World War I and the Civil War of 1918-1920. Wrecked the world of social injustice and oppression. Prose of Nurpeisov distinguished latitude generalizations, brightness distinctive of national characters, the subtlety of psychological analysis. Trilogy "Blood and Sweat" was awarded the USSR State Prize for 1974. Authorized translation from the Kazakh to Russian first book, "And then there was a day ...", Anatoly Kim and Herold Berger. Authorised translation of the second book, "And then there was the night ...", Anatoly Kim. Authorized translation from the  Russian to English Catherine Fitzpatrick


 04.jpgAbai - Mukhtar Auezov  
 This Mukhtar Auesov's Book is about a great Kazakh poet, composer and philosopher Abai Kunanbaev. He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures on the basis of enlightened Islam. Book is about Abay's main contribution to Kazakh culture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses great nationalism and grew out of Kazakh folk culture. During Abay's lifetime, however, a number of important socio-political and socio-economic changes occurred. In 1948, the novel (books 1-2) was awarded the State Prize, and in 1959 after the completion of the epic, it was awarded  by the Lenin Prize as the outstanding work of socialist realism. The statements and sayings about the Auezov's "Abai" novel: 
"It's unbelievable, amazing! The steppe came alive and went on you, with all the splendor of its pristine nature, its gestures and whole characters. A Shakespearean passions! Do you feel like the era in any scientific research "                                                                                         
 -  Alfred Kurella

... "I've never heard of Kazaks. But now I know them very well, I know, because I read in English Mukhtar Auezov's wonderful book. I met in literary world a wonderful man and poet of  Kazak people - Abai , with his wise grandmother Zere and mother Ulzhan, with  his girlfriends - Togzhan and Aigerim, friends of Abay - kind and courageous people I loved these characters, loved as if he had lived for many years, shared their grief and joy I feel that I am among them and breathe air of your steppes Indeed, what a wonderful people -Kazaks! How wonderful it is written about him in the novel "Abai" ! I sincerely envy you lucky people, but you - Mukhtar Auezov, I congratulate on the immortal work " 
                                                                                          - Benjamin Matip

"In other countries of this world it is very difficult to find a product that compares with it; In my opinion, this work is one of the best works of the XX century"
                                                                                                                                                                                          - Louis Aragon

From Kazakh to Russian Translated by Anatoli Kim. Translated from Russian to English by L. Navrozov. Translated from Russian to German by Hilda Angarowa. Translated from Russian to Romanian by Otilia Cazimir and Andrei Ivanovski.  


03.jpg Abai Kunanbayev - Selected poems
The book describes the works of Kazakh poet, philosopher, composer, educator, thinker, public figure, the IXX century founder of Kazakh written literature and  classic, the reformer of culture in the spirit of rapprochement with Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened liberal Islam. On the formation of Abai world outlook was influenced by poets and scholars of the East, adhering to the humanistic ideas (Ferdowsi, Alisher Navoi, Nizami, Fuzuli, Ibn Sina and others), as well as works of Russian classics, and through them European literature in general. He translated Krylov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Goethe and Byron. Characterized story poem "Qaranghy tunde qalghyp tau" ( "Mountain slumbered in the dark of the night"), which has become a folk song. Goethe wrote «Wanderers Nachtlied» ( «Wanderer's Night Song"), Lermontov shifted it into Russian ("Mountain tops are sleeping in the darkness of the night ..."), and after another half century Abay Kunanbayev conveyed its content in the Kazakh language.Abay Kunanbayev contributed to the spread of Russian and European culture among the Kazakhs. Later it was followed by Turar Ryskulov.Kunanbayev Abai was an innovator of Kazakh poetry ; the innovative nature of the verses are devoted to the seasons: "Spring" (1890), "Summer" (1886), "Autumn" (1889), "Winter" (1888), poems about poetry assignment (to teach the good and condemn the bad). Topics of Poems "Masgud" (1887) and "The Legend about Azim" based on motives of eastern classical literature. In the poem "Iskander" in the face opposed to the mind of Aristotle and the greed of the conqueror in the person of Alexander the Great. In the history of Kazakh literature Abai took the place of honor, enriching Kazakh verse new sizes and rhymes. He introduced new poetic form: octave, hexastich and others. Abai created about 170 poems and 56 translations, wrote a poem, "Words of edification" or "Book of Words" ("Kara sozder"). Abai was also a talented and original composer. He made about two dozen tunes that are popular today. Some of his poems Abay Kunanbayev shifted to music and song on his poems "Kozіmnіn qarasy"  ("You are the pupil of my eye")


Abai - "Words of edification" or "Book of Words" ("Kara sozder")
The fundamental work of the great Kazakh bard and enlightener Abay, which consists of 45 short parables and philosophical treatises. In this prose poem raises issues of national education and ideology, morality and law, the history of the Kazakhs. Abay wrote "Words of edification" in his later years, already knowing the temptations of power and the burdens of earthly affairs, recognition of people and the loss of loved ones. They were distributed by their inclusion in each new hand-written book. Some of the "edification" were first published after the death of bard (1904) on the pages of "Abay" magazine in 1918. Many conclusions and instructive conclusions from the book are still relevant today, they accurately describe the old nevykorchevannye problems of the people. Work of Abai translated into many languages, including Russian, Chinese, French and others.Most translations done in Russian. In 1945, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Abai, the publishing house "Fiction" was a collection of selected translations of his works in the Russian language, include a translation of Victor Shklovsky called "Edification". Later this translation be published in 1954 and 1979 are also known Kazakh writer translations Satimzhan Sanbaev titled "Words of edification" (1970) and writer Roland Seysenbaev, which is called "The Book of Words" (1992-1993.). In addition, there is a shifting in the poems in Russian, made Archimandrite Gennady.In the German language, "Words of edification" were transferred in 2001 Larisa Zakharova. Originally, the book was published in Kazakhstan, and in 2010 it decided to publish in Germany. In 2010, the first book of Abai translated and published in the Tajik language, entitled "Pandnoma". Speaking at the presentation, translator, essayist and abaeved Fathullo Azizov noted the high standard of the status of the book, calling it a school of humanity.


 An artistic, social, humanistic and religious beliefs deeply felt in Abai's work of black or edification words. Abai words (Ghaqliya) - the great poet's art and artistic power, wisdom, philosophy outlook piece is written in the style of classic prose works. A total number of Abai words is forty-five separately works which is not recorded in the same direction on the topic of diversity. It is a short sample of six or seven, different of the content, the theme of the scale is widespread. Abai In his black words  pays attention not to blending work only, but  to its logical structure, depth of thoughts.  One of the most outstanding works is words of edificationwhich is the works of a thinker and philosopher of Kazakh people is Abai  Kunanbayuly. Written in the last years of Abai, words of edification consists of 45 words, are different in scope and writing. The literal translation from the Kazakh edifying words are translated as the Black Words  (Kara sozder) translation which has its own meaning, as seen in these works is a clear criticism (not hate) of Abai to Kazakh people. For all his years Abay realized the shortcomings and disadvantages of the Kazakhs, and for fear that he will not be able to solve it, he chose a familiar style to write about it. Abay looking for the meaning of his life in his old age, going through the options as the board, multiplication herds, science, service, education of children and grandchildren, and the last writing their thoughts. All but the last Abay seems pointless and inappropriate, so he decides to write, which eventually become words of edification. Abai  criticized Kazakhs for the fact that they laugh and scold everyone else: Uzbek, Russian, Nogai, while they did not achieve anything and do not know how. After all, each of these ethnic groups has its own advantages and good features, but the Kazakhs only discord yes abuse. So instead of criticizing it offers to follow their example. Abay said that the Kazakhs are lazy, think only of cattle, status, power and confidence and will to achieve these goals by any means. There is no room for other activities (agriculture, commerce, science, art), honor, unity, truth. Do not think that by the rulers and judges, therefore it is necessary for them to put education first.  Abai said that we can not always be careless and stupid, and so it is impossible to always be sad and thoughtful. Do not laugh maliciously or simply to amuse, not everyone is a good laugh. After all, life is not eternal, and we must live it with dignity. Abai critiseized that materialistic values for Kazakhs root in folklore and culture, has become part of the people. No honor, no truth, no ties, or even God, there is nothing higher than money and power. And each is justified and considers himself innocent. Abai thought that the unity of spirit, in faith, strong bonds, and not the unity (overall) wellbeing, property and because of the dependence. Life - not fear of death, and when the soul lives and clear the mind. After all, without a living soul, a man is no better than a dog. Abai was saying that in humans, two starters, physical and spiritual. Today, adults fixated on the physical part, while the bulk of the human soul, the thirst for knowledge, achievements, feats. And so people are no better than animals that know nothing and nowhere is no longer seeks. Beys consider themselves smarter than all, rich people think that everything can be bought, thieves, fraudsters have no honor, the poor do not care about knowledge and truth. Who, then, is to learn and to teach someone? - always attened Abai. Abay shared his disappointment with the Kazakhs that leads him to his own dissatisfaction. The depth of his disappointment is so great that it ceases to feel anything, hope and dream. Why would a man child? If he can not bring up any of his or use for their own purposes. Why would a man riches? If he got it easy and dishonest way, as easy and pointless to spend. If you have anything better to Spend on education, his or her children, to make them better people - this opinions of Abai is actual in nowadays even. All Kazakh people stuck in the crime and impunity, where everyone thinks only about how to steal and earn, and how other wise up to this. Thieves, bais and by the people working in collusion among crime, fraud and money. There is no one to eradicate this evil, things just flow with the current - whiped with word Abai. That's right that people share their knowledge prosveschenskimi, but the main thing that a person does not yield to self-interest and self-confidence. First, he must completely surrender to their faith, and secondly, it must continue to be improved. After all, there is the use of the service without understanding the claimed Abay. Faith, iman, a person may be at the expense of a full understanding and acceptance of her, the other faith is the result of the knowledge and fortitude. But we must beware of people who are calling themselves believers, have no fear before the God of lies, self-confidence and fall. Heart, soul, overriding of the person who is responsible for the integrity, compassion, purity and courage. But many people forget about it and stumble again and again, as the return on the right path is difficult. Abay said that smart people are thinking only about the correct and essential matters, never lose your head and always hold themselves, their actions and life. Stupid people are also easily distracted, they live happily commit thoughtless acts and then regret it for life.














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