Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Day of Slavic Writing and Culture in Astana...

18.05.2016 1379

Day of Slavic Writing and Culture in Astana

Day of Slavic Writing and Culture in Astana -


The Development Committee of languages ​​and political work of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the "State program of functioning and development of languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 -. 2020" holds an event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture.




During the event, participants will be exchanging of views on various aspects of the operation and preservation of Slavic languages in ethnocultural space of Kazakhstan and the exchange of experiences in the field of Slavic and Turkic languages, discussion of traditions and values of close interaction of Slavic and Turkic languages and cultures.


The event will be attended by representatives of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Embassies of Slavic and Turkic states in the Republic of Kazakhstan, famous scientists and public figures, representatives of ethno-cultural associations, etnoprosvetitelskih schools, the media.


As part of the events held international scientific-practical conference "Slavic and Turkic cultural and language contacts: traditions and values."


At the end will be  a gala concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture.



Contact information: 8(7172)408367, 87023768400






Astana, st. Kenesary 39

Russian Centre of Science and Culture

Time: 24/05/2016, at 14.00 h.





Astana, st. Zheltoksan 11

State Academic Russian

Drama Theatre. Gorky

Time:. 24/05/2016,  at 18.30 h.

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