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Akhmet Baitursynuly
Five the most expensive paintings of Kazakhstan’s ...

29.03.2016 27385

Five the most expensive paintings of Kazakhstan’s artists

Five the most expensive paintings of Kazakhstan’s artists -

The rating of the most expensive paintings of global artists surprise general public from time to time: for example, Van Gogh's self-portrait in one of such lists is estimated for 93 500 000 dollars! And it is not only one example. There are similar ratings in printing and Internet editions of Kazakhstan: in June of 2014 the only auction house operating today in Kazakhstan – “BonArt” - announced to the website five most expensive works of the Kazakhstan artists according to their open auction. Not to be unfounded, we submit to your attention this entertaining list.


Aytbayev Salikhitdin Abdysadykovich “Жеребец” (“Stallion”), (1990-1992).

Canvas, oil; 85х120 – $20 000

Aytbayev Salikhitdin is a painter, the artist, the honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan, the winner of an award of Lenin Komsomol. Native citizen of the city of Kyzylorda. He graduated from the Almaty art school on M. Kenebayev's class. His paintings “Шопандар демалысы” (“Sholpandar demalysy”), “Бақыт” (“Bakyt”), “Жас қазақтар” (“Zhas kazaktar”), “Қонақтар келді” (“Konaktar keldi”) give a peculiar look to the Kazakh fine arts. He has painted portraits of “Ә.Әлімжанов” (“A.Alimzhanov”), “Ана” (“Ana”), “Әке” (“Ake”), “Шопан” (“Shopan”), “Абай” (“Abay”), a series of the works devoted to architectural monuments of medieval Khiva. To get acquaintance to originals of creations of P. Picasso and A. Matisse has made noble influence on his works of art. Picturesque and graphic works of S. Aytbayev are kept in the Kazakh state museum of arts named after A. Kasteev. The picture “Жеребец” (“Stallion”) of Aytbayev is a valuable work of art (in financial sense) as it – the bright work which is most expressively presenting to attention of the audience tendency of the artist to the cubistic direction in art.


Kasteev Abilkhan

“Акан Серы” (“Akan Seri”), 1961.

Paper, water color; 84х41, it was presented in the State Universitet of Arts catalog of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteev - $19 000

Each person knows the artist Abilkhan Kasteev, even far from art, and in his pictures not one generation of Kazakhstan has grown. The founder of the Kazakh national art, the artist with huge natural gift, he always kept up to date, and introduced cultural traditions necessary for him in constantly developing art. A name of Abilkhan Kasteev was always very famous, and his indisputable merits before the country are also considered at installation of the prices of his works. “Акан Серы” (“Akan Seri”) doesn't head this rating only for the reason that it is a water color.


Zaltzman Pavel

“Композиция с фигурами” (“Composition with figures”), 1950th.

Cardboard, oil, pencil; 53х31 - $15 000

Pavel Yakovlevich Zaltzman (was born on January 2, 1912 in Chisinau the Bessarabia province — passed away on December 20, 198 in Alma-Ata) — the Soviet artist, the schedule maker, the writer. The representative of analytical art, P. N. Filonov's pupil, sometimes was called “the last filonovets”. Honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan. The graphics and Zaltzman's painting are in the Russian Museum collections, the Tretyakov gallery, an engraving office of Museum of Fine Arts of named after A.S. Pushkin, the Museum of arts of the people of the East, the State museum of arts of Kazakhstan and in private collections. Zaltzman's works are on sale at the Russian, Kazakhstan and western auctions.


Shardenov Zhanatay

“Вечерние горы” (“Evening mountains”), 1974.

Canvas, oil; 50х70 - $8 000

Well-known Kazakh artist. He graduated from Almaty Art School named after N.V. Gogol. Gained knowledge at the Leningrad institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin. In 1955 he returned to Alma-Ata and actively joined in art life of the republic. It is safely possible to call Shardenov's works masterpieces of the artist whose works became a subject of special attention of judges of the Kazakhstan fine arts over time. The phenomenon of the increasing interest in Shardenov's works seems in the strong temperament of the artist reflected in each movement of his brush.


Galimbayeva Aisha

“Три подруги” (“Three girlfriends”), 1979.

Canvas, oil; 65х71 - $7 000

Aisha Galimbayeva is the first professional Kazakh artist whose achievements and awards can be remembered very long, however main among them - the international recognition and love of true judges of art. Love to light, bright paints, desire “to bridle rage of a brush”, and aspiration to paint only the truth - here the main lines of painting of Aisha Garifovna: “There is such concept — the art truth. When there is no the truth, with whatever beautiful paints you wrote, they will only emphasize falsehood of a plan”. From artists Aisha Garifona very much loved impressionists: and the truth, her cloths on the force and a variety of paints, light and that furious aspiration to the truth at the image of the nature and the person in it, make related it with Mone, Renoir and Degas's creations.

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