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International Translation Day:"Translating & Inter...

30.09.2016 2949

International Translation Day:"Translating & Interpreting: Connecting Worlds"

International Translation Day:"Translating & Interpreting: Connecting Worlds"  -

International Translation Day - formally established in 1991 by the International Federation of translators (FIT)

International Translation Day (Journée mondiale de la traduction, International Translation Day) - a professional holiday of interpreters and translators. It is celebrates on September 30 (the day of death in 419 or 420 year of Saint. Hieronymus Stridon, who carried out a full translation of the Bible into Latin (the result of which was the emergence of the so-called. "Vulgate") in connection with what is traditionally considered the saint patron of translators. Holiday formally established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991. The popularity of this celebration is growing every year.


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 The themes of the holiday from the beginning till now:

In 2004, the holiday was celebrated under the theme: "Translation - the basis of multilingualism and cultural diversity"( Français -Traduction - la base du multilinguisme et de de la diversité culturelle)

In 2005, the holiday was celebrated under the theme: "The responsibility of the translator to the profession and the public society" ( Français - La responsabilité du traducteur envers la profession et dans la société)

In 2006, it was celebrated under the theme: "A lot of languages - one profession"( Français - Un grand nombre de langues - une seule profession)

In 2007, it was celebrated under the theme: "Do not shoot at the messenger"( Français - Ne tirez pas sur le messager)

In 2008, it was celebrated under the theme: "Terminology: words have meaning"( Français - Terminologie: les mots ont un sens)

In 2009, the International Translation Day was celebrated under the theme: "Working together"( Français - Nous travaillons ensemble)

In 2010, the International Translation Day was celebrated under the proposals of the Union of Translators of Russia by the theme: " Quality Standard for a Variety of Voices." (Français - La norme de qualité pour une variété de voix )

In 2011, this day was celebrated under the theme "Bridging Cultures" (Français -  Un Pont entre les Cultures)

In 2012, it was celebrated under the theme "Translation as Intercultural Communication"( Français - La traduction, vecteur de la communication interculturelle)

In 2013, this day is celebrated under the theme " Beyond Linguistic Barriers -. A United World" (Français - Par delà les barrières linguistiques - un monde unifié)

n 2014, this day is celebrated under the theme " Language Rights:. Essential to All Human Rights " (Français - Les droits linguistiques, dimension essentielle des droits de l'homme)

In 2015, this holiday is celebrated under the theme "The Changing Face of Translation and Interpretation" (Français - Le nouveau visage de la traduction et l’interprétation)

In 2016, was chosen the theme "Translating & Interpreting: Connecting Worlds" (Français - Unissons les mondes grâce à la traduction et à l’interprétation )

The translators are permanently in the center of the communication process. Being the external conductors of ideas and actions, they form a kind of world in which we live. Translation, therefore, is a determinant of multilingual communication and at the same time symbolizes the openness of the people and the development of democracy.

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