Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
Kazakhstan President’s new books presented in Naza...

14.07.2013 1808

Kazakhstan President’s new books presented in Nazarbayev center

Kazakhstan President’s new books presented in Nazarbayev center -


In Astana on the threshold of the 15th anniversary of the capital, there was a presentation of the books by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Nation Leader N.A. Nazarbayev “Zhyldar men oilar” and “Vremena i dumy” (“Times and thinking”).

The books presentation was attended by deputies of the RoK Parliament, employees of the Presidential Administration of the RoK and SE “Nazarbayev center”, as well as heads of educational institutions and organizations, culture workers and students of Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev, reports citing the press service of Nazarbayev center.  

The presentation ceremony was opened by the head of the Executive Office of the President of the RoK Makhmud Kasymbekov.  

“In the books there are thoughts and sayings of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from his books, articles and speeches. They are dedicated to different themes, and as a body they reflect his philosophical credo as a man , statesman and politician, and they also create a cohesive portrait of modern Kazakhstan in a wide historic prospect”, - noted M.Kasymbekov.  

Being very popular among readers, previously issued collections of N.A.Nazarbayev “Tugan elim - tiregim” (2001), “Ozekzhardy oilar” (2003), “Oi bolistim khalkymmen” (2006), “I’ll share my thought with the nation” (2007) have already become rare books.  

New books are distinguished with meaningful novelty: materals of 2007-2011 years were added there, as well as sayings of early years which were not included in previous editions.  

The publications are of the great social importance and have developing, scientific, educating and pedagogic functions.  

The book presentation involved the head of the Research center on Korkyt heritage investigation in KazNUA Myrzatai Zholdasbekov, deputies of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the RoK Kuanysh Sultanov and Aldan Smayil, deputy of Senate of the Parliament of the RoK Zhabal Ergaliev, secretary of the Scientific Advisory Boardof the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Natalya Kalashnikova, writer Dukenbay Doszhan, director of S.Seifullin museum, poet Nesipbek Aitov and other.  

Now presentation of N.A.Nazarbayev books will be held in all regions of Kazakhstan in order to distribute them among the population.  

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