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Akhmet Baitursynuly
List of Astana city's history and cultural monumen...

28.06.2016 2219

List of Astana city's history and cultural monuments (part II).

List of Astana city's history and cultural monuments (part II). -
On the eve of 18th anniversary, I mean the adulthood of the young capital "Astana" - since 1998 officially presented to the world as the new capital of Kazakhstan (the city itself precursor ancient medieval fortress city Bozok there are several thousand years old), we offer you the list of monuments of history and culture of the city. Part II

1) The building of 1914-1916, the weather station.Str. Zhambyl Zh, 11

One floored Building of meteo station was build by Ekaterinburg observatory on the order of General Physic observatory. It was first meteo station of the city.  

2) Sculpture "Astana" 26.06.2002 In the park on the street named after Zh. Tashenov. 

The sculpture "Astana" in imago of young girl describes the main idea of young capital of Kazakhstan. Author of the sculpture Bayarlin, member of the Kazakhstan Artist's Union.


3) Monument to S.Seifullin 1994 - Streets named after S. Seyfullin- M.Auezov. 

 The monument  located in the quiet old center of the city. Beautiful intelligent man in classic style dress sitting on a chair, a coat slung over the back ... This is how was remembered poet by his contemporaries, so this is how he looked like  before he was milled by millstones of punitive machine of NKVD. Saken Seifullin (1894-1938) - one of the prominent figures in the cultural and public history of the state. He is - a poet, novelist, playwright, essayist, literary critic, composer, teacher, public figure and statesman. What a rich heritage had to leave behind this wonderful man. But these things are not to be realized. The poet and writer was a victim of repression in 1937 His life was cut short in the prime of his life. Material of monument - bronze, the pedestal - granite. author of the project is a well-known sculptor - Bayarlin  Customer - Provincial Department of Culture. The monument was opened on October 14, 1994 on the 100th anniversary of the poet. Made in a studio Karaganda Art Fund. Monument S.Seifullin among the most significant works of monumental sculpture, erected prominent historical figures and the figures of the national culture of Kazakhstan.
4) Monument to A. Pushkin in 1999 - In the area of the Eurasian National University named after  L. Gumilyov

Author: sculptor, People's Artist of Russia, the first secretary of the Russian Union of Artists, Kovalchuk Andrey. Material: bronze and stone. Opening date: August 1999. The old location: Kazakhstan, Astana, Square in front of the Technopark. Date of opening in a new location: 20.06.2008. New location: Kazakhstan, Astana, Pushkin Park (salt beam of floral clock near the Eurasian University.
5) Monument to  Khan Kenesary 11.05.2001 - Right bank of Esil River Embankment

The monument to khan Kenesary is opened on May, 10th, 2001. Authors of this product of monumental art are sculptor Nurlan Dalbai and architect Shota Valihanov. Height of the horseman - 7 meters, height of a pedestal - 6 meters. Gross weight of a monument - 10 tons. The sculpture represents a bronze figure of khan on a horse which is established on a granite pedestal.The monument to Khan Kenesary is sight of city of Astana and one of the most beautiful and majestic monuments of Kazakhstan. In the central area of Astana on coast of the river Ishim, the grandiose sculpture - a monument to the commander to Khan Kenesary towers. This monument is one of symbols of independence and the restored Kazakh statehood of Kazakhstan.Kenesary Khan was a fighter of the national-liberation movement for the independence from the Russian Empire during his reign. Kenesary Kasymuly was the last Kazakh Khan, who was a grandson of Abylay khan and from origin of Genghis Khan. He was the leader of the most massive and significant uprising for independence of the Kazakh Khanate. He led the national liberation movement of the Kazakhs from 1841 in order to rebuild the Khan's power, which was abolished by the imperial government of Russia.
6) The monumental building of "Astana-Bayterek" 2002 - Left Bank of Esil River, 1

The monument is meant to embody a folktale about a mythical tree of life and a magic bird of happiness: the bird, named Samruk, had laid its egg in the crevice between two branches of a poplar tree. The 105 m tall structure rises from a wide flat base within a raised plaza. It consists of a narrow cylindrical shaft, surrounded by white branch-like girders that flare out near the top, supporting a gold-mirrored 22 m diameter sphere. The base contains a ticket booth and exhibition space, with two lifts rising within the shaft to the observation deck within the 'egg'. Entrances to the monument are sunk below eye level, reached by stairs from the surrounding plaza. The observation deck is 97 m above ground level, corresponding to 1997, the year that Astana became the nation's capital. It consists of two levels, one with 360 degree views of Astana and beyond, with a second, higher level, reached by a flight of stairs. The top level features a gilded hand print of the right hand of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first President of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan, mounted in an ornate pedestal. A plaque invites visitors to place a hand in the imprint and make a wish. Alongside the handprint, and also oriented in the direction of the presidential palace, is a wooden sculpture of a globe and 16 radiating segments, commemorating the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, held several times in Astana.

7) Koshegulov School for Muslim Youth (building of Kazkommertsbank) nineteenth-early twentieth century. Abay ave., 24 and mansion ov Musaev (Moiseyev)

Among the wealthy merchants of the old Akmolinsk there were also representatives of the Kazakh nationality. Baimukhambet Koshegulov was famous in the pre-revolutionary period Confectionery and gingerbread factory and three shops. Gingerbread Koshegulov had great popularity far beyond the borders of Russia and Kazakhstan, Akmola because white flour is considered the best in Eurasia. And in 1915, the factory will receive the honorary title of "Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty." 
Later in the confectionery building housed the editorial board of the Soviet newspapers, and it was not lost back in 1973. Up to now keep other structure directly related to the Kazakh merchant Koshegulov. A few steps from the house of Moses on the other side of the street is a bright building Bokeyhana Kazkommertsbank. And once it was a school B. Koshegulov for Muslim youth. A few meters from "Astana" supermarket on the one-way street Bokeyhana is a beautiful old building in Astana. This two-storey house, which belonged to a contemporary of our previous heroes, merchant Moses. It is important to note that our luck mansion has retained its original appearance. Construction of a two-storey mansion Moiseyev (Musayev) began in 1914 and ended in 1918, and in 1919, it has housed the office of the revolutionaries - the Soviet regime. Therefore, the merchant Moiseyev (Musaev) had not even inhabit a beautiful house.
 8) Youth Palace ("Zhastar" Palace), 1974 - Republic Avenue. 34
Palace appeared in the early 1970s and became one of the first works of the era of exclusive typical building. Some sources claim that it opened in 1975 on 20 March, the other - that it happened in 1973. On the facade is attached memorial plaque: "Built in 1974". The exact year of birth of the building, as the age of this coquette, as well as remains a riddle. Whatever it was, in those early 1970s, there were unprecedented for the city of modern visual and gyms, a swimming pool with diving boards, café, workshops and dance studios ... But the main thing - a large lounge with monumental wall paintings. Generation next has labeled panels on the palace "retro three-dimensional graphics" or "retro 3D". Part of kids are right on the idea of the artist, muralist RSFSR Honored Academician D. Merpert, the product is really threefold. It consists of three tracks. Left - "My Motherland-Kazakstan" on the right - "Space of Kazakstan", and in the center - "Youth of Kazakstan". Looking at these inspired persons, the viewer needs to understand: while young people have not worked in the banks and corporate offices. Energetics, agriculture and sport - exactly this tree was proud of Kazakstan. With a small correction today costumes of the brave men do not decorate the hammer and sickle of the Soviet regime, but the new National emblem of Kazakstan Republic.
9) The building of the State Security Committee of Kazakstan (National Security Committee of Kazakstn Department of Astana city) 50 years of the twentieth century. Str. of T. Bigeldinov, 74/1 
10) The building of Astana akimat (the Agency for Combating Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police) in 1958


The article to be continued..

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