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“Literary portal” added the function “Upload the b...

31.03.2016 1487

“Literary portal” added the function “Upload the book”

“Literary portal” added the function “Upload the book” -


“Literary portal” added the function “Upload the book” for their users. By this function any reader has ability to add on portal books of their own or other writers in PDF format.

This function will help portal to update its work and to establish a better relation with readers. Active users of portal have great possibility to share electronic books they have with other readers.

In order to upload the book, in section “READ” move to reference “BOOKS” or on the main page of portal open the section “UPLOAD THE BOOK”. Then you should fill all lines correctly and upload the cover of book in .jpg, .png format. Thereafter you have to write the information about book and upload book itself in PDF format.

If you want to upload the book of the author, who has no personal page on our portal, after entering the information about book you should push the bottom “ADD THE AUTHOR” and fill the lines in correct way. You need to add the photo and biography of the author.

After filling all lines push bottom SAVE, and all information you have entered will be sent to the administration of portal. They will check out the book loaded and publish it.  

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