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Today a Kazakh poet Kenshilik Myrzabekov would be ...

06.06.2014 1459

Today a Kazakh poet Kenshilik Myrzabekov would be 68

Today a Kazakh poet Kenshilik Myrzabekov would be 68 -

He was born on June 6 like a Great Russian poet Pushkin and died also being a young man aged 43  


Kenshilik Myrzabekov was born on June 6, 1946 in an Akshyganak aul of the Zhangeldin region of Kostanay area. Graduated from Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh national university.  Worked in such newspapers as Zhetysu, Leninshil zhas, Kazakh adebieti, Sotsialistik Kazakhstan and in Parasat magazine.

Kenshilik Myrzabekov is the author of collections of poems, such as This disturbing world (Etot trevoznhiy mir - 1972) , Era (Epokha - 1978), A child of revolution (Ditya revolutsii – 1980), Commander (Polkovodec - 1981, A letter to the contemporary (Pismo sovremenniku – 1982), An aul and the capital (Aul I stolotsa -1984), Shrine (Svyatynya -1985), Ballads about the childhood (Ballady o detstve -1986) , The poem of era (Poema epokhi – 1988), My grief – my love (Moya pechal – lubov -2003), Reflections about a virgin soil (Razmyshleniya o tseline – 1982).

His poems were translated into Russian and published in the Yunost magazine and Poeziya almanac (Moscow). Kenshilik Myrzabekov translated into the Kazakh language the collection of verses by E.Evtushenko Poem of a peace time (Poema mirnogo vremeni- 1989).

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