Nobody writes the literature for a pride, it borns from the character, also it satisfies the needs of nation...
Akhmet Baitursynuly
"Tukay's Spring" in Astana continues...

20.06.2016 1445

"Tukay's Spring" in Astana continues

"Tukay's Spring" in Astana continues -


In the capital school №36 hosted the premiere of children's performance "How animals helped to dzhigits " based on the poem "Shurale". Performance was organized by the Tatar cultural educational center "Duslyk", personally by the head of center Yannat Askhatovna Nizamutdinova and the author of the scenario Rinat Dusumov. Due to responsive directions of teacher of 2 "B" Nina Borisovna Agarkova, young actors have coped with the difficult task facing them, and perfectly played their own roles. In addition, "Duslyk" was not limited only by theatrical action but also organized a small exhibition devoted to Gabdulla Tukay, which were included the books, scientific publications, and rare photographs of Tatar poet. After the performance, charged with creative energy, the artists and their classmates were able to be treated with delicious “chak-chak” (national tatar dish) and discuss their performance.


Recall that the performance is part of the series "Tukay’s spring 2016", authored by Rinat Dusumov. As part of the cycle has been carried out Tukay’s dictation and evening of Tukay’s poetry and in the in late May will be held an action called "Min Tatarcha soylasham"(I’ll spoke in Tatar language).

Photos by Rinat Dusumov

















































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